Apr 24, 2012

Black, White and Red are the only colors I usually need...

After a very long laziness induced sabbatical I have started sketching again. Most of them were copied from works by other artists. I still don't have a fully visualized image in my head of what I want to draw and end up replicating others work. I think its a start though... hopefully soon i will start working on my own detailed creature sketches

Sumie at the workplace :|

Shadow of the colossus character design sketch - replica

Lord Ram after battle sketch- replica

A deep sea angler Fish pencil sketch- replica

Feb 8, 2012

Over the dunes and into a galaxy

What a surreal sensation it is to stare up into the night sky and see a billion starts strewn across its expanse. Some twinkle while others shine steady, while some others fade in and out existence in our minds eye. Then without reason you find yourself walking towards the stars- as if to get a little closer to infinity and get a better look.
A frozen lake at the base of the Bruneau Sand Dunes.... waiting for the stars to come out

The Milkyway. A 15 sec exposure on the S95 can do wonders  :)

I keep coming back and never get tired of this place!

Japanese iconography in Idaho.
It all makes sense now :) 

The Bull Snake
Seeing the horizon through reptilian eyes. 

The fiery glow of a setting sun. 

Thermonuclear behind the clouds.

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