Apr 24, 2012

Black, White and Red are the only colors I usually need...

After a very long laziness induced sabbatical I have started sketching again. Most of them were copied from works by other artists. I still don't have a fully visualized image in my head of what I want to draw and end up replicating others work. I think its a start though... hopefully soon i will start working on my own detailed creature sketches

Sumie at the workplace :|

Shadow of the colossus character design sketch - replica

Lord Ram after battle sketch- replica

A deep sea angler Fish pencil sketch- replica


  1. Wow! You are amazing talented. I'm always envious of those who have any artistic ability as mine is pretty lacking. :) Also, thank you for your kind words on my blog. Have a wonderful day!

  2. M.Monk..

    And you shud post more often! :) I have moved on.. started using wordpress.. Shall post back the link soon :)


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